Your life requires that you take good care of yourself. When you feel off center, you become less aware of subtle and profound connections between muscle and nervous system, between thought and tissue, between energetic flow and stagnation. So, you take personal care and health very seriously.
Still, as dedicated to health and growth as you are, you have set backs and issues to deal with. There is no magic bullet or theory. Health and satisfaction comes in hundreds of little steps, choices, serendipities, and breaths.
If you have any interest in finding out more about your own breathing pattern, what it means to your choices, and how to use it to help you, come to my Better Breathing workshop on Saturday, February 18, 2018, 1:00-3:00, in Fountain Square. Here is more information. ==> ==> ==>
If you haven’t already, please complete my 10-question survey that will help me know what I might offer for your health.