
Massage and Bodywork for Relaxation and Increased flexibility

Schedule a bodywork session. Clothed or modestly draped, become aware of and release tension in joints and arms, legs, back, neck, and shoulders. You might have a sweet reunion as you get in touch with yourself.

(Picture attribuition: Quang Nguyen Vinh

Health Coach

I can help with hydration, stressful thinking, posture and other habits to help you  understand  links to the immune function and elimination. What and how are you drinking, eating moving, nourishing yourself? How do you know you’re getting what you need every day?  What are the signs of lack and excess?

Breathing and Stress Resilience

What are the effects of having a breathing “trip to the beach” that you can use anytime? What are the mechanics that provide the most oxygen for the least effort for most of your day?

You may have concerns about breathing. Can you change your breathing pattern? In one week, you will improve your ability to adjust your pattern toward calm or excitation, as you please. Awareness of inefficient mechanics helps you identify and resolve a panic response even while you want to relax and gives you the specific tools to change it.

Take a workshop or schedule a personal appointment. I am proud and thrilled that I have shared basic principles for over 20 years that are becoming mainstream now. You become skilled with the mechanics, benefits, effects, and practices to relax, raise your energy, or focus your mind and emotions. What are the bells and whistles over which you have control and why do you want to know them?

Posture and Ergonomics

You may have concerns about posture. What simple changes can help your back and the tension in your neck? Do you do weird things with your knees when you walk or is there limited flexibility in your ankles and how does that affect your alignment all the way to your head?

What if every move helped your spine stretch? What can your walk do for your feet? How to help your neck with your eyes? How to help your shoulders with your arm position? 

(Picture attribuition: Marlon Schmeiski)

Healthy Relationship with Food and Digestion

Would you like to experiment with new tastes, cooking techniques, and eating habits? Which diet to follow without feeling deprived or like somebody else? How to feel nourished? Are you getting what you need? What about intermittent fasting and food allergies?

I can help with hydration and understanding its link to the immune system and elimination. What are you drinking and are you drinking enough? Are you drinking what helps your digestion? Is there a way to assure you drink enough during the day? What are the consequences of not drinking enough and/or drinking too much?

One to One or group (in person or online)

Individual appointment. Sign up for three sessions.

One—intake. Focus exclusively on how you got here, what you would like, and your vision for success. Start on 1-3 practices or choices to apply right now.

Two—Do the practices together, discuss results. Tweak. Ready for another behavior/practice/or habit or two?

Three—Feedback on progress. Ready for some relaxation, or find the next steps. How might those choices evolve?

Now we can have appointments in person with masks and following other precautions. We both wash our hands at the start, surfaces are regularly cleaned, fans keep air moving and other precautions.

We can also have an appointment by facetime or zoom, if you prefer.