When we try to lose weight, our bodies might slow metabolism at first in order to maintain the overweight homeostasis.
It takes time for new behaviors to dive into corresponding processes inside the body, and then resurface in a visible health condition. New behavior takes effect through persistence and intensity so internal processes get the message: “I really mean it, let’s change all the way through.” It’s no small thing to overcome behavior patterns that may have been there for decades, generations, or (depending on your belief system) lifetimes.
The importance of shifting old patterns even slightly, however, is totally worth the angst and grind of willful healthy change over an extended period of time. A new homeostasis takes hold from the outside behavior to the inside physiological process and outside again in a health condition. In addition to the internal benefits for each organ system that is affected by the change, there’s a possibility that efforts will help yourself and someone else, through
- being observed by someone
- verbally communicating your new pattern with someone
- kinder actions to loved ones or even to passers by
- kinder care of your internal organs
- chaos theory for a butterfly in Brazil for heaven’s sake, why not?
It’s worth it. It doesn’t pay to think any other way.
Healthy power comes from each conscious deviation from old, unconscious patterns. Oh how rewarding is that notion, and exponentially rewarding, when the pattern begins to visibly shift. And it does and it will.
Homeostasis. Good when it’s good, and ever shifting toward our evolving intention.
Shift with the Better Breathing Workshop coming up Saturday, June 8, 2-4:30.