January, 2025. It’s winter! I shoveled three times during the 9.5” of snowfall. What a delight it is to shovel! My dear mother, sister, and father couldn’t shovel for different reasons. I struggled with my own health in weight and debilitating ‘itis-es in my early 20s, but that’s a story for another time—next month.
I’m just glad to announce another Breathing workshop. My old health conditions didn’t fall away magically. Shifting my breathing pattern was a great help. Maybe that will help you too. I continue to study and will have even more to share at the end of the year.
Move Your Lungs (in person), Saturday, 8 Feb, 10-noon, $40. Details below
So, if you’re interested in understanding and experimenting with breathing mechanisms that can help your health, sign up. It is my great privilege to share what I’ve been given with you, and this is it.
Move Your Lungs Workshop
Saturday, 8 Feb, 2025 10:00-noon
Pre-Registration required. Space limited.
$40 check or venmo @cynthia-bretheim
Fountain Square, 101 W Kirkwood #241
Concerns about: flu, blood pressure, asthma, sleep apnea, COPD, pneumonia, inflammation?
Help your body with your breathing pattern.
You may have a breathing pattern that engages the fight/flight/possum response even when you want to relax. This workshop provides practice in mechanics, frequency and volume. Help your health with every breath.
Which breathing pattern for a baseline every day?
When to use the Wim Hof breathing exercise?
When to use the square breathing pattern of Andrew Weil?
If you practice a few minutes every day, you’ll be able to relax when you want or amp up when you want.
Reservation required: $40 check to Cynthia Bretheim or venmo @Cynthia-Bretheim. Fountain Square, 101 W Kirkwood #241. Enter under the black awning on Walnut between Kirkwood and 4th Street. DIYWellbeing.com
You may be working way too hard for every breath.
For more information, check out https://diywellbeing.com/ or call 812-272-8188.
Twal WO, Wahlquist AE, Balasubramanian S. Yogic breathing when compared to attention control reduces the levels of pro-inflammatory biomarkers in saliva: a pilot randomized controlled trial. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2016;16:294. doi:10.1186/s12906-016-1286-7
Better Breathing Workshop 2020 w Cynthia Bretheim SU, FEB 16, 1-3 pm, $20 Fountain Square Ballroom, 101 W Kirkwood, Bloomington, IN
If you just want an easy, effective baseline breathing pattern, come on down! We’ll discuss frequency, mechanics, and volume, and it’ll be fun. You may be working way too hard for every breath.
If you register ahead with your email, I’ll send info to start.
Energies of Love 2020 w Vladimira Dragnea SU, FEB 16, 3:15-5 pm, $20 Fountain Square Ballroom, 101 W Kirkwood, Bloomington, IN
Would you like to better understand your partner, child or a friend? Would you like to learn energetic tools for more constructive conflict resolutions? Based on best-selling book “Energies of Love” by Donna Eden, this workshop focuses on 4 sensory types and gives you better understanding of people around you and of our differences in perception. You will get practical information to better understand your loved ones and useful energetic tools to better handle your relationships.