Better Breathing Workshop
Sunday, February 18, 2018, 1:00-3:00, $20 check or cash
Call to register and email for details: 812.272.8188,
There is more to respiration than just in-and-out. Effective respiration helps your heart and your digestion, helps you get to sleep. Easy, effective breathing helps you cope with stress, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, and other states that affect your quality of life.
You may have breathing habits that engage the fight/flight/possum response even when you want to relax.
Send an email for advance workshop information, and to register:
This workshop will be held in Fountain Square on Kirkwood in downtown Bloomington.
You may have breathing habits that engage the fight or flight response even when you want to relax. Work inefficient habits out of your breathing pattern with a simple 10-minute practice you can do as often as you like.
Neural Moves, a movement class
Would you like to move more easily or use your body in new ways? Do you have old patterns of movement that could use a tune-up?
All-abilities and all-ages friendly; these fun, easy moves awaken new possibilities in our bodies that help to keep our minds supple. You’ll feel invigorated and full of energy by the end of the hour. If we move in new ways, we can think in new ways too.
It is like a switch or many switches making big connections. I really have noticed more strength and flexibility and over-all well being… Small movements have equaled big results. P.S., 2012