Massage and Bodywork for Relaxation and Increased flexibility
Schedule a bodywork session. Clothed or modestly draped, become aware of and release tension in joints and arms, legs, back, neck, and shoulders. You might have a sweet reunion as you get in touch with yourself.
(Picture attribuition: Quang Nguyen Vinh
Health Coach
Help for hydration, elimination, stressful thinking, posture and other habits link to immune function and feeling good. I offer a buffet of new ways to help you feel better and solve health concerns.
Breathing and Stress Resilience
How can you have a breathing “trip to the beach” to use anytime? What are the mechanics that help with heart rate variability and stress resilience?
Learn the bells and whistles of your breathing mechanism. Take a workshop or schedule a personal appointment and be confident of the mechanics to relax, raise your energy, and focus your mind and emotions.
Posture and Ergonomics
What if every move helped your core and your spine? How can your gait help your feet and knees? Are you worried about hunching your back as you age? We’ll take a look at your gait, and find a way for your walk, your sit, and your stand to help.
(Picture attribuition: Marlon Schmeiski)
Healthy Relationship with Food and Digestion
How about some new eating habits? You don’t have to be rigid to customize and raise the quality of your nourishment. What about intermittent fasting and food allergies?
I can help with hydration and its link to elimination and detoxing.
Private sessions or Group (in-person or online)
Bodywork or Health Coach session. Sign up for three sessions to save the hassle or reminders. $80/hr
One—intake. What is your health vision for success? Start with relaxation and practices or choices to apply right now.
Two—More body awareness, and time to discuss results. Ready for another new habit or two?
Three—Feedback on progress. Ready for more relaxation and find the next steps. How might those choices evolve?
Workshops or Presentations are available. Stress, Breathing Mechanics, How to make Changes, or New Biology. $160/hr