DIYWellbeing began as Cynthia Bretheim Massage Therapy & Holistic Health circa 1986. Nationally certified for +36 years through 2024.
- 1990+2023-present, T’ai Chi Ch’uan with Master Laura Stone
- 2024, training with Garry Lineham, St. Paul, MN
- 2024, The Nerve Tour with Gil Hedley, Indianapolis, IN
- 2024, Oldscoolmoves, David Wilson zoom, feet, shoulders, balance
- 2023, New Biology Curriculum with Tom Cowan, MD, author: Cancer and the New Biology of Water; Human Heart, Cosmic Heart, Contagion Myth, etc
- 2012, Breathing science, Stephen Elliott, Coherence since 2012
- 2024, Resonant Attention, Stella Osorojos since 2022
- 2012, Eden Energy Medicine with Donna Eden
- 2016-2021, Gokhale Method posture, Esther Gokhale, Rochester, NY
- 2018, Cranial Nerves, Lois Laynee, Chicago, IL
- 2012, MS degree, Applied Health Science, IU School of Public Health
BA [Physiology of] Psychology, Minors: Religion & French from Indiana University. - 4-year Resident/staff, Himalayan Interntnl Institute of Yoga Science & Philosophy.
Health is my passion through studies, retreats, research and experience–cranial nerves, mind-body practices and Chinese Medicine.
I am a committed personal-evolution geek, absolutely voracious about ways to help health since I was a kid. That determination helped me overcome rheumatoid arthritis and iron-loading anemia that runs in the family. I want you to have ways and moves that increase your ease in living, whether breathing more freely or getting out of bed feeling relaxed, delighted and refreshed.

My Health Story
When I was 19, my life was good in general. I had a good job with potential for growth, a nice place to live, and a lovely young body. Doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong when I became so tired 12 hours of sleep wasn’t enough. Eventually, I ended up in the hospital and was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and severe anemia. I couldn’t walk far without stopping to rest from the pain. My knee swelled horribly and my left elbow wouldn’t straighten. Prescription meds had bad side effects (suicidal thoughts and narcolepsy). I had to find choices that didn’t make me sicker, and the doctors had no other answers than drugs.
Family patterns didn’t help–obesity, arthritis, anemia and diabetes. I was determined to find my own way and my efforts paid off!!! Within a year, I was able to ride my bike and walk miles without pain. My health has evolved over the decades, and so have my lifestyle choices. Unfortunately, my rheumatoid specialist would not monitor my progress unless I took the drugs with the bad side effects.
I’m no genius. If my health could change that drastically, I hold a vision of health improvement for you. For ~thirty years I’ve helped hundreds of clients through health difficulties toward a more loving relationship with their bodies. I’ve helped people find just the right personal choices.
It is my joy to help unravel your health issues using your everyday lifestyle habits, natural methods and body processes toward balance and health. You have to ‘do it yourself,’ but my deep diving can help.
Questions? call or send an e-mail